Quit While You’re a Head


10 Responses to Quit While You’re a Head

  1. Mandi says:

    LOL. This is the first time I’ve seen your website and I love the photos of all the old post boxes.

  2. passante says:

    I remember when we saw this. As I recall there were a couple of other severed heads/body parts in the vicinity. To me it’s actually rather creepy.

  3. mariemcc says:

    Mandy, glad you liked the mailboxes, and thanks for visiting.
    Passante, I recall there being only two busts. I thought it was funny.

  4. ioanna says:

    It’s sad and funny at the same time! Poor head! Someone do not want it any more, so it wait until somebody else pick it up! By the way, I would like to have it!

  5. Louz says:

    I love this photo, even without the title, which made me laugh.

  6. krisz says:

    great find and photo, marie..I love it!

  7. You are so funny! I am with Mandy on her comment about the mailboxes etc. I did enjoy the series. Well done Marie!

    P.S. I am counting down to the entry 300 and/or the 100,000 visit. Please come back to Antigua DP, I promise I will be nice… well, sort of! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  8. […] its post 300. We’ll celebrate while we’re a head. Just a spin on Marie’s, “Quit While You’re a Head” on January 16th from Alexandria Daily Photo. While 300 post is nothing compare to other […]

  9. mandy says:

    Maybe she was one of Henry VIII’s wives!

  10. mariemcc says:

    ioanna, I think the homeowner does love this head. There was another one nearby, keeping it company. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Louz, glad to be of service.

    Kris, glad you liked it!

    Rudy, I’m sure you’ve reached your 100,000 visit by now!

    Mandy, oh, there’s a thought! ๐Ÿ™‚